China National Silk Museum will organize and hold the first biennale of natural dyes, which aims not only to embrace the natural way of life, but also to explore the ancient wisdom and culture contained in the traditional craft.
“Silk Road Textiles: Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage” Symposium and 3rd IASSRT meeting will be held from Nov. 5 to Nov. 10, 2018 in Buyeo, Republic of Korea.
Silk Road Textiles: Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage
Successful applicants have to attend the technical sessions of the symposium and in person to receive the fund which will be distributed on the first day of the symposium.
The International Society for the History of Technology workshop: Craft and innovation in modern societies
All events are open to the public, free of charge.
China National Silk Museum will be open during the Spring Festival of 2018 according to following schedule
2nd IASSRT symposium, Lyon, France Jingluntang Foundation Travel Grant Application
ANNOUNCEMENT (1st round) 2nd IASSRT symposium Dialogue with Silk between Europe and Asia
Announcement on the Close and Renovation of the CNSM
Opening Hours during Spring Festivals