Exhibition time:2024-03-26 to 2024-05-30
Venue:Textile Conservation Gallery
Exhibition time:2023-11-14 to 2024-02-25
Venue:Textile Conservation Gallery
L'exposition a été organisée dans le cadre de la Semaine de la route de la Soie 2024 qui sera ouverte le 19 juin à Hangzhou
Newsletter of NSM from Jul to Sep
Meanwhile, the seminar of “Museum in the Era of Digital Integration: Theme, Vision and Online Curating” hosted by NSM was successfully held at the 9th MPT-EXPO.
which represents an excellent example for small size exhibition in the museum community
It has brought together more than 2,000 digital artifacts from more than 40 museums worldwide.
China National Silk Museum is a non-profit permanent institution open to the public for the collection, protection, research, display, inheritance and innovation of textiles, which starts with Chinese silk but further expands to costume studies
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