ANNOUNCEMENT (1st round) 2nd IASSRT symposium Dialogue with Silk between Europe and Asia

ANNOUNCEMENT (1st round)

2nd IASSRT symposium, Lyon, France

Dialogue with Silk between Europe and Asia: History, Technologyand Art

I. Description

2nd IASSRT Symposium “Dialogue with Silk between Europe and Asia: History,Technology and Art” will be held from Nov. 29th to Dec. 3rd, 2017 in Lyon, France. The symposium will make in-depth discussion on the important silk traditions of Europe, Asia and other area, the functions, technologies and artistic features oftheir silk products, and the important role silk has played in promoting the cultural dialogue on the Silk Road.


  Host: International Association for the Study of Silk Road Textiles (IASSRT)

  Co-organizers: China National Silk Museum,Musées Gadagne

  Co-Chairmen: Feng Zhao, Xavier de la Selle

  Supporters: Lyon City Hall, ISU


II. Program

Nov. 29th

  Check in Musées Gadagne

  Evening: meeting of IASSRT members (venue to be decided)


Nov. 30th,

“Dialogue with Silk between Europe and Asia: History,Technology and Art” Symposium (Musées Gadagne)


  Opening ceremony

  Silk traditions of Franceand Europe


  Silk traditions of China and Asia

  Silk traditions of Other area


Dec. 1st,

“Dialogue with Silk between Europe and Asia: History,Technology and Art”Symposium(Musées Gadagne)


  Silk exchanges between Europe and Asia

  Closing ceremony


  Visit of Musées Gadagne and the Silk Market

  Silk Label Festival Reception(conference,cocktail, etc),time:18:30, venue: Lyon City Hall


  Meeting of ISU Community(time and venue to bedecided)



Citytour in Lyon (Musée des Tissus,Maison des Canuts, etc, to be decided)


Dec. 3rd,

Study tour to surrounding areawith silk production (Musée d'Art et d'Industrie, to be decided)


III.Guest Speaker:

All the scholars of relative fields are welcomed to submit their paper to the symposium. The reply for attending the symposium (see attached) shall be sent to before Aug. 20th.


IV. Contacts:

Weiwen Zhang:



  Working language: English 

  All the information about accommodation, restaurant and transportation will be finalised at the end of August.

  For more information, please link to:


Confirmation Reply

Pleaseattach a photocopy of your Passport for invitationletter.

You can download the annoucement and confirmation reply here

1. La Maison des Canuts

10-12 rue d'Ivry, Lyon

33 (0)4 78 28 62 04

2. H?tel de Ville(Lyon City Hall)

1 place de la Comédie, 69001 Lyon

33 (0)4 78 38 42 00 

3. Musées Gadagne

1 place du Petit Collège, 69005 Lyon

33 (0)4 78 42 03 61

4. Marché des Soies (Silk Market)

20 rue de la Bourse, 69002 Lyon

33 (0)4 72 53 72 00

5. Musée des Tissus et des Arts Décoratifs

34, rue de la Charité, 69002 Lyon

33 (0)4 78 38 42 00 

6. Gare de Lyon Perrache

14, cours de Verdun, 69002 Lyon

7. Gare de la Part-Dieu

5 place Charles-Béraudier Lyon

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